Perkembangan dunia internet saat ini memang semakin pesat saja. Hal ini terbukti dengan semakin banyaknya layanan social network yang ada di dunia maya. Lihat saja Facebook dengan memperoleh pagerank 10 membuktikan bahwa situs jejaring sosial ini sangat digemari di dunia, bahkan hingga di Indonesia.
Dengan adanya fitur chat, facebook mampu menyaingi yahoo messenger, MSN, Frog dan beberapa penyedia jasa chat yang telah lama menguasai dunia chatting di internet. Karena itu, tidak ada salahnya saya berbagi informasi mengenai singkatan-singkatan yang sering digunakan dalam chatting di dunia maya ini.
Singkatan ini saya ambil dari Buku karangan David Crystal (2004: 85-86) yang berjudul Language and The Internet, Let Check it out:
abbreviation | Arti dalam Bahasa Inggris |
afaik afk asap a/s/l atw awhfy bbfn bbl bcnu b4 bfd bg brb btw cfc cfv cm cu cul cul8r cya dk dur? eod f? fotcl f2f fwiw fya fyi g gal gd&r gmta gr8 gsoh hhok hth ianal ic icwum idk iirc imho imi imnsho imo iou iow irl jam j4f jk kc khuf l8r lol m8 mtfbwu na nc np nwo obtw 04u oic otoh pmji ptmm rip rotf rotfl rtfm rtm ruok sc smote so sohf sol t+ ta4n tafn thx tia tmot tnx ttfn tttt t2ul ttyl ttytt tuvm tx tyvm wadr wb w4u wrt wtfigo wtg wu wuwh x! y! yiu 2bctnd 2df 2g4u 2l8 4e 4yeo | As far as I know Away from keyword As soon as possible Age/sex/location At the weekend Are we having fun yet? Bye bye for now Be back later Be seeing you Before Big fucking deal Big grin Be right back By the way Call for comments Call for votes Call me See you See you later See you later See you Don’t know Do you remember End of discussion Friends Falling off the chair laughing Face to face For what it’s worth For your amusement For your information Grin Get a life Grinning, ducking and running Great mind think alike Great Good sense of humor Ha ha only kidding Hope this helps I’m not a lawyer, but…. I see; in character I see what you mean I don’t know If I remember correctly In my humble opinion I mean it In my not so humble opinion In my opinion I owe you In other words In real life Just a minute Just for fun Just kidding Keep cool Know how you feel Later Laughing out loud Mate May the force be with you No access No comment No problem No way out Oh by the way Only for you Oh I see On the other hand Pardon my jumping in Please tell me more Rest in peace Rolling on the floor Rolling on the floor laughing Read the fucking manual Read the manual Are you OK? Stay cool Sets my teeth on edge Significant other Sense of humor Sense of human failure Think positive That’s all for now That’s all for now Thank Thank in advance Trust me on this Thanks Ta-ta for now To tell the truth Talk to you later Talk to you later To tell you the truth Thank you very much Thanks Thank you very much With all due respect Welcome back Waiting for you With respect to What the fuck is going on Way to go What’s up? Wish you were here Typical woman Typical man Yes I understand To be continued To die for Too good for you Too late Forever For your eyes only |
Semoga dengan ini kita tidak bingung ketika ada yang menulis di dengan bahasa aneh seperti di atas… Thanks…
Crystal, David. 2004. Language and The Internet. Cambridge University Press.
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